Every Child SAFE,
Every Community AWARE.
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Resilient Communites

of Wapello County.
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About Us

Resilient Communities

Resilient Communities is working to increase community awareness of adverse childhood experiences and the long term health impacts that can follow. We are committed to the positive development of children and families, and specifically to the prevention of all forms of child abuse and neglect. Our approach to identifying and solving interrelated community problems includes improving our interpersonal connections (relationships); improving our view or mindset of shared responsibility; and improving the collective impact of our efforts.


Learn all about our ongoing initiatives here!

20 +
Community Leaders Involved
35 K+
People in Wapello County
100 k+
Iowa Grant Money Awarded
4 +
Communities Reached

Our Vision

We are committed to the positive development of children and families, and specifically to the prevention
of all forms of child abuse and neglect.



Interested in Learning More
About Resilient Communities?

We're here to help! Learn all about us and our goals in our FAQs

Our Team

Jason Parmenter

Patrol Division Commander for the Ottumwa Police Department

Rick Johnson

Mayor of Ottumwa

Karen Lauer

Child Care Consultant

Ali Wilson

Executive Director of United Way of Wapello County

Cara Galloway

Children’s Alliance Executive Board Secretary

Holly Berg

Senior Planner at Area 15 Regional Planning Commission

Pat McReynolds

Wapello County Children’s Alliance Board Chair

Megan Logan

SCBHR Children’s Care Coordinator

Lisa Guest

Prevention Supervisor in the Behavioral Health and Treatment Services

Shea Greiner

VP, Engagement & Organizational Advancement

Jill Lane

Program Manager
Tips & Quotes

Get Inspired!

I believe in helping to make our community better for every family. We all need to focus on increasing access to resources to help those most vulnerable.

Blaire Siems

Executive Director of the Indian Hills Community College Foundation

Children are the future of Ottumwa and we need to do whatever it takes to help them succeed.

Shea Greiner

VP, Engagement & Organizational Advancement

We need to get children off to a safe and healthy start in life and support their families so that together they grow and maximize their potential.

Tom Lazio

Mayor of Ottumwa

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